Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Nature Life

Ten FAST and EASY tips for going “green”

- Want to live a more environmentally friendly life, but don't know where to start? Here are some ideas to help you take the first step. These simple suggestions don't require any extra time or cash. In fact, you'll probably end up saving money.
Food: Eating less meat and dairy is good for your health, your budget, and the planet (raising livestock [ternak] is responsible for 18% of global greenhouse gases). Cutting back even a little bit helps. Some ideas to get you started: Limit the amount of meat on your plate and fill up with grains [biji padi2an] and veggies, avoid meat for one meal each day, or make one day a week meatless.
Food prep and storage: Don't microwave food in plastic containers because chemicals are more likely to leach [terlepas] out when they are heated.
Personal care: Say no to antibacterial soaps. Not only are they completely unnecessary, but they may also do more harm than good by contributing to the rise of antibiotic-resistant [bersifat melawan antibiotika] bacteria.
Children: Use glass baby bottles or choose safer plastics without estrogen-mimicking biphenyl A (BPA). For older children, choose stainless-steel sippy cups. They are more expensive, but will last a lot longer than their plastic counterparts [teman sebaya, sejenis], so you'll have to buy fewer.
Cleaning: Using old towels and T-shirts instead of disposable [yg dpt dibuang] wipes and paper towels will cut down on waste and save you money. Plus, cloth is softer, so it's better for cleaning delicate [lembut] items.
Save energy: Turn out the lights when you leave a room, activate the power-down setting on your computer, and reduce standby power consumption by unplugging electronics you aren't using. Or try plugging electronics into a power strip and turning it off when you go to sleep or leave for long periods.
Save water: Turn off the tap while you're brushing your teeth. You'll save up to 8 gallons of water a day or 2,880 gallons a year. If everyone in the U.S. did this, we'd save 875 billion gallons of water a year.
Home improvement [perbaikan]: Use caulk, spray foam, and weather-stripping to stop heated or cooled air from leaking out of your home. Installing door sweeps [?] is another easy and inexpensive way to keep your house from leaking cash.
Garden: Water grass in the cool of the morning to avoid evaporation. Make sure sprinklers [alat penyiram] are watering your plants and not the pavement, and check hoses [selang karet] for leaks.
Transportation: Stop idling. Maximize fuel efficiency in your car by driving the speed limit, rolling up windows when you're on the highway, and taking good care of your car.




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